Alison J. Camden

Alison J. [Camden] Reid

Undergraduate Student
(June 2014-May 2016)

B.S. Biochemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 2016


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Brief Biography

Alison Camden was an undergraduate student majoring in Biochemistry at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She performed undergraduate research under the supervision of Prof. Scott K. Silverman. After graduation, she was in the developmental biology graduate program at Washington University in St. Louis. She then became a science teacher at Bernard Middle School in St. Louis.

Research Interests

In my research project, I identified deoxyribozymes that phosphorylate oligonucleotides at their 3'-termini.

  • "DNA Oligonucleotide 3'-Phosphorylation Catalyzed by a DNA Enzyme", A. J. Camden, S. M. Walsh, S. H. Suk, and S. K. Silverman, Biochemistry 2016, 55, 2671-2676. [pdf] [Supp Info] [PubMed entry]