Stephanie N. Konecki

Stephanie N. Konecki

Undergraduate Student
(June 2014-June 2016)

B.S. Integrative Biology (Honors) and Chemistry, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, May 2016


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Brief Biography

Stephanie Konecki was an undergraduate student double majoring in Integrative Biology (Honors) and in Chemistry at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. She performed undergraduate research under the supervision of Prof. Scott K. Silverman. After graduation, she continued briefly in the Silverman lab before moving to the University of Chicago for graduate studies in immunology.

Research Interests

In my research project, I sought deoxyribozymes that phosphorylate peptide side chains.

  • "Identification of Sequence-Selective Tyrosine Kinase Deoxyribozymes", S. M. Walsh, S. N. Konecki, and S. K. Silverman, J. Mol. Evol. 2015, 81, 218-224. [pdf] [PubMed entry]