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American Chemical Society

Division of the History of Chemistry

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Number 5, Winter 1989

NOTE: This issue is now open access.

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TITLE Author Page
Introduction. A brief overview of what is to follow and why Jane A. Miller 3
The Legacy of Lavoisier. A perspective on how Lavoisier's work is
still intertwinned within the fabric of modern chemistry
William A. Smeaton 4
Lavoisier's Politics. More than just a chemist, Lavoisier considered
himself as part of the enlightened bourgeoisie
Arthur L. Donovan 10
Scientific Revolutionaries Caught in Political Revoltion: Priestley and Lavoisier.
Some ironic parallels and paradoxes in the scientific and political fates of two famous 18th century chemists
J. Edmund White
Lavoisier and the Conservation of Weight Principle.
What Lavoisier did and did not say on this important subject
Robert Siegfried 18
Lavoisier the Experimentalist.
Lavoisier was not only a theorist but a consummate designer of experiments and apparatus
Frederic L. Holmes 24
Instruments of the Revolution: Lavoisier's Apparatus.
Much of it is still to be seen, if one only knows where to look
A. Truman Schwartz 31
Books of the Chemical Revolution. Part III of this series
describes the manual and manifesto of the revolution, Lavoisier's Traite Elementaire de Chimie of 1789
Ben B. Chastain 34
The Ingenious, Lively and Celebrated Mrs. Fulhame and the Dyer's Hand.
Vindicating the rights of women and independent chemical thought at the same time
Derek A. Davenport and Kathleen M. Ireland 37
Thomas Duche Mitchell and the Chemistry of Principles.
Tying up the loose ends of the Chemical Revolution
William B. Jensen 42
A Biographical Checklist.   48
A Revolutionary Timetable.   49